Designed By Soldiers - For Soldiers

LC Plate Carrier Soft Panel Sleeve

Rating: Not Rated Yet
24,95 €
Side Panel
Foam Insert


Finally, you can upgrade your plate carrier side panel with soft armor.
Easy add on sleeve for 5“or 6“soft armor panels.
Sleeve closes with Velcro.
If you only want extra carrying comfort, you can buy 10mm foam insert and use.
Also, if you want more protection where the buckle is, jump over the first insert and start from the second insert. Now you will have full protection where the buckle is, no gap anymore.
Approx 50gr.

5” Side Panel:
Small 5 x 3 Pals, fit 22x13cm panel.
Medium 6 x 3 PALS, fit 26x13cm panel.
Large 7 x 3 PALS, fit 30x13cm panel.
XL 8 x 3 PALS, fit 34x13cm panel.

6” Side Panel:
Small 5 x 3 Pals, fit 22x15.5cm panel.
Medium 6 x 3 PALS, fit 26x15.5 panel.
Large 7 x 3 PALS, fit 30x15.5cm panel.
XL 8 x 3 PALS, fit 34x15.5cm panel.


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